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Article: Microblading Vs Micropigmentation.

Microblading Vs Micropigmentation.

Women all around the world are constantly striving to create the perfect pair of eyebrows. Why? It’s simple. A well-groomed brow helps to give the face both definition and structure, ultimately elevating our everyday look.

However, whilst many of us spend hours in front of the mirror attempting to produce gorgeously full, fluffy eyebrows, maintaining their appearance can often pose a real challenge. That’s where semi-permanent makeup comes in.

Semi-permanent makeup (SPMU) is an aesthetic treatment designed to enhance our existing features using different coloured pigments. Replicating traditional makeup techniques, SPMU aims to fill in, cover up, and accentuate our facial features. However, whilst everyday makeup products can be washed-off at the end of the day, semi-permanent makeup is deposited into the skin using a needle to create longer lasting effects. The result: beautifully natural-looking brows from the moment you wakeup to the minute you go to sleep.

The Benefits of Semi-Permanent Brows.


Whilst drawing on the perfect eyebrow can take hours, SPMU minimises the amount of time spent on your everyday makeup routine.

Confidence Boosting.

Eyebrows are one of the main facial focal points and can make a huge difference to the entire shape and structure of our face. Having low-maintenance brows that look constantly flawless can help many women to feel more confident in their everyday look – particularly those lacking in makeup skills.

Enhances Facial Features.

Semi-permanent eyebrows, designed and drawn by a professional technician, work with the face’s existing features to enhance its natural beauty.

Whilst all semi-permanent makeup techniques share these benefits, there are several different SPMU procedures to choose from. So, let’s take a look at our options…

Credit: @browjam.


Arguably the most well-known form of semi-permanent makeup, microblading involves using a scalpel-like instrument to make small, papercut-like incisions to the skin. These strokes are then filled in using a natural-coloured pigment to mimic the existing hairs and create a fuller-looking brow.

A microblading treatment takes a few hours to complete, and clients can expect results to heal within approximately two weeks. However, it is important to note that the tattoo colour tends to fade to a more natural state after about a month, and a 6–8-week top-up can help perfect results.  

Microbladed eyebrows last about 1-1.5 years before fading.

Credit: @ggbrowsuk


More commonly known as the ‘Ombre Brow’, micropigmentation utilises traditional tattoo techniques to create the perfect brow.

Instead of using the hairstroke procedure exemplified by microblading, micropigmentation involves depositing dots of pigment into the skin. Using thousands of little dots, colour is built up gradually to create a more desirable, natural ombre effect.

The Ombre Brow takes around two weeks to heal but, like microbladed brows, clients can expect the results to soften up to 75% during the first 6-8 weeks. The results from a micropigmentation procedure can expect to last up to three years.

Microblading Vs. Micropigmentation.

Whilst the benefits obtained from both microblading and micropigmentation are incredibly similar (namely gorgeous-looking brows that last all day long), the processes and results of both procedures can be very different.

Understanding our own eyebrow desires is key when selecting the right treatment for our specific needs. Weighing up the pros and cons of each technique can be a great way to decide which procedure to choose.

So, let’s take a look…




  • Natural-looking results.

Utilising the hairstroke technique, microbladed eyebrows can look incredibly realistic. Each incision is designed to mimic a real strand of hair, resulting in a more subtle, fluffy look. Choosing a skilled technician is essential when hoping to achieve this natural look.

  • Fills in sparse areas.

Many of us do not need a whole new eyebrow tattooed onto the skin. Rather, we might just need a few gaps filled in to create an instantly bolder-looking brow. As the microblading technique essentially ‘builds’ brows, it is perfect for adding shape and definition to the area.

  • Suitable for fine hair.

As microblading uses very fine strokes to build the brow, this treatment is perfect for those with naturally fine eyebrow hairs.


  • Not suitable for all skin types.

Unfortunately for those who suffer with oily skin, microblading might not be the SPMU procedure for you. As the results are very subtle, an oily t-zone might push the pigment out over time, impacting the tattoo’s lasting power.

  • Makeup may still be required.

Whilst microblading offers incredibly natural-looking results, the effects of the treatment might be too subtle. For those of us who desire a stand-out brow, makeup is sometimes required to further enhance the area and ensure a blended effect with other cosmetic application.

  • Regular top-ups required.

Microblading involves the injection of pigment into the skin. However, due to the type of equipment used, the ink is only deposited just under the first layer skin. Therefore, microblading requires more regular top-ups to ensure the maintenance of brilliant results. Clients can expect to return to their eyebrow technician every eight-twelve weeks following their initial procedure.

  • Traumatic to the skin.

As microblading clients may have to undergo more regular top-up procedures, this means that, over time, more and more incisions are made to the skin. Therefore, the skin experiences a higher-level of trauma, which may result in damage to the eyebrow area.

Micropigmentation (Ombre Brows).

Credit: @melissamaycosmetics


  • Fuller-looking brows.

As the Ombre Brow technique uses a gradual build-up of lots of little microdots, the procedure has been designed to create a fuller-looking eyebrow. It is essential, however, that you choose a well-established technician as results can often appear blocky or unnatural if the treatment is not performed correctly.

Choose the right artist, however, and you can expect to reap the rewards for years to come.

  • No additional makeup required.

The gradient-effect of the Ombre Brow technique is designed to mimic modern-day makeup looks. Therefore, additional makeup is hardly ever required to enhance the tattoo area.

The natural gradient of micropigmentation is perfect for blending with the more subtle, everyday look. However, the defined tail is also well-suited to a more glamourous appearance, making the Ombre Brow incredibly versatile.

  • Long-lasting results.

As micropigmentation uses a machine to deposit pigment into the brow area, the skin is much more likely to retain the ink from an Ombre Brow procedure. This, in turn, means that micropigmentation requires much fewer top-ups than microblading.

  • Suitable for all skin types.

Again, as micropigmentation uses a needle rather than a scalpel, the treatment is suitable for most skin types (including oily complexions).

  • Customisable for each client.

Using a machine, micropigmentation technicians can adjust the speed, depth, and pressure of the tattoo needle to suit each client’s individual needs. This means that results can be more unique, and less uniformed, than other eyebrow treatments.


  • Might not be the look for you.

Whilst the Ombre Brow is fully customisable to each client, the overall result is often less natural than other eyebrow procedures including waxing, threading, lamination and microblading.

Micropigmentation boasts results that are perfectly sleek and stylish… however this just might not be the look you’re going for!

What eyebrow treatment should you choose?

Semi-permanent makeup is a brilliant choice for those looking to enhance their natural look and reduce the amount of time spent on makeup application. Choosing between microblading or micropigmentation is a totally personal decision and depends on several factors. The best thing to do is book a consultation with a trained SPMU artist and take it from there!

Though you might not know which route to go down just yet, one thing is for sure… once you get SPMU, you’ll never look back.

Looking to book in for an SPMU consultation?

Cosmedic Supplies works with some of the UK’s most talented semi-permanent makeup artists to deliver the most outstanding results. Get in touch to find the right technician for you!

Are you an SPMU artist looking to purchase the highest quality supplies?

At Cosmedic Supplies, we sell an advanced range of SPMU machinery and accessories to technicians focused on delivering the best results. Head over to our shop today to learn more about our incredible products.

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